● Real Estate Technical Due Diligence
CHECKHOUSE was the first company in Portugal to provide Property Technical Diagnosis services, allowing owners, companies or managers of condominiums to know the true state of their apartment, villa, common areas of the condominium and other properties.

Checkhouse Technical Due Diligence
Checkhouse Technical Due Diligence is executed both on Fractions/Villas or Common Areas of buildings, which is a survey carried out by performing non-destructive testing, on the following areas:
Technical Diagnosis consists of the analysis of the following specialties:
- Civil Construction (Finishings);
- Electricity and Telecommunications;
- Water, Sewage and Gas;
- Thermal insulation;
- Acoustic Insulation;
- Heating and HVAC Systems
Additionally, the Technical Report presents a set of preventive measures, in order to allow the owner to prevent certain problems from happening again.
The advantages of Technical Diagnosis
Of the numerous advantages of Technical Diagnostics, it should be noted that the CHECKHOUSE reports can be used as:
- Documentary evidence in Court,as a technical argument, reporting the anomalies and non-conformities existing, in case of dispute between the parties.
- Technical Argument,to activate the guarantee in condominiums and properties with less than 5 years, pressing the builder to repair the construction defects detected.
- Charge book,exempt, describing in detail the recommended intervention, which can be used to request quotes from contractors.

Detection of Leaks
The infiltrations inside our house are one of the most uncomfortable situations for anyone. Not only because our house is often flooded, but also because of the work and the inconvenience this type of repair entails when the origin is not known.
In fact, without a previous diagnosis there is often the need to break a vast wall/ceiling surface until the origin of the infiltration is discovered, and even then, many times it is not possible to discover its location and after a while this same infiltration appears again.
To avoid this problem, Checkhouse is able to identify the exact origin of a given infiltration, both those that manifest in rainy weather and those that originate in water and sewage pipes, using a set of tests and equipment, in order to detect the origin of the same, without using destructive means.
After the Checkhouse Diagnosis, you only need to hire a bricklayer or a plumber to intervene in the exact location of the leak, without having to break a large extension of walls / ceilings", with the consequent cost reduction.
O Diagnóstico Técnico da Checkhouse, para além de ser efetuado por uma equipa técnica com muitos anos de experiência na área do Diagnóstico técnico de imóveis e na área das obras, também conta com a ajuda de um conjunto de equipamentos de vanguarda, que ajudam os técnicos a efetuar os vários testes necessários para um excelente diagnóstico técnico.
Some of these equipments are as folloews:
Thermographic cameras;
Sondas vídeo, para filmagem do interior de tubagens;
Robot de Inspeção vídeo, para filmagem de condutas;
Drone, para podermos aceder a locais altos de difícil acesso;
Detector de Hidrogénio e Ecolocalizador, para detecção de fugas em tubagens inacessíveis
Sound level meter, Noise Generator and Percussion Machine - to measure acoustic insulation;
Multímetro, Manómetros de gás, Termohigrómetro, Anemómetro, etc.