● Supervision of Construction Work
The Inspection and monitoring of Checkhouse works intends to act in order to guarantee our Client and Suppliers the best quality / price ratio for the Project to be developed.
The inclusion of the Work Safety Coordination service guarantees our customers a more complete service, also in terms of occupational safety, hygiene and health management.
In order to fulfill the proposed objective, we provide sufficient means, with adequate competence and availability to guarantee the following work packages:
- Analysis of the Execution Project / Work Preparation (optional). In this phase, the intention is to carry out checks, analysis and compatibility of Architecture projects in order to allow greater control both in costs and in the Project deadlines. The phase in question is optional, however recommended by Checkhouse due to the base created so that no unforeseen events arise during the course of the contract.
- Support in the Tender Process for Specialties and Contractors (Pre-Construction). It is foreseen in this phase, to guarantee that the defined scope and the desired quality for the Project are reflected in the bidding processes carried out to the Specialists Designers and to the Contractors. In a second phase, we will support the negotiation with each of the chosen entities both in the design phase and in the construction phase, we will collaborate in the management of the object of the contracts concluded. The conclusion of this process occurs with the signature of the contractual title and respective annexes. In parallel with the contracting of the entities, Checkhouse will monitor the execution of the specialty projects and prepare the work for the construction. monitoring the execution of specialty projects and the preparation of the work for construction.
- Work Execution Phase (Construction). In this phase we propose to perform the Quality Control of the work developed on site in its various aspects (Quality, Safety, Cost and Deadlines), thus ensuring the scope of the Project. This process is considered concluded when the conditions for the survey request are met allowing to issue the dwelling permit (in the case of new constructions). We propose to carry out the control of deadlines, costs and risks, the analysis of deviations including the quality aspect and the management of changes to the scope of the Project and the respective "report" to the Client. The main outputs of this process are the reports (punctual and/or periodic) and the meeting records. In the scope of the Coordination of Safety at Work we propose to validate the development of the PSS and guarantee its fulfillment with the entity(ies) executing it, as well as to guarantee the safety conditions of the construction site, in accordance with the Decree-Law no. 273/2003, of 29 October.
- Work Reception. In this phase, the objective is to support the Client in Closing the Project, which involves intervention at the level of monitoring the Provisional Reception of the work and obtaining the Dwelling Permit. This stage is concluded with the signing of the Provisional Application Form (with respective attachments) and presentation to the Client of the dwelling permit issued by the entity.
- The Client can also be assured, in case it is contractually intended, the follow-up on the elaboration of the User Manual and elaboration of the Technical document for the Designers and Contractors. At this stage, and within the scope of the Work Safety Coordination service, support will be provided to the Construction Owner, in the collation of all documents to be provided by the entity(ies) executing the Technical Compilation.
- Post-Construction Assistance. If there are any outstanding non-conformities resulting from the Provisional Reception of the Works, Checkhouse's team will monitor their resolution. In order to assist the client in the Final Reception of the Work, we propose the preparation of the relevant documents for this act including the inspection. This stage is concluded with the signing of the Final Reception Statement (with respective attachments). It is excluded from the scope of this proposal any follow-up of the construction with a view to resolving the pending situations in the annex to the Final Report.